What Are the Top Ways to Save Water at Home?
The U.S. local government grapples with how to deliver drinking water that is clean and reliable amidst strains from booming population growth, development and global warming. Many regions are already imposing water restrictions.
Here are a few simple changes at home you can make to ease the strain on your local water supply, and even save money doing it.
- Run the washing machine and dishwasher only with full loads.
- Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth.
- Install a low flow shower head and faucet aerators.
- Fix leaks.
- Upgrade to a dual flush or low flow toilet or add a conversion kit to your existing one.
- Avoid overwatering your lawn or watering during peak times, and have rain sensors put on irrigation systems.
- Set up a rain barrel for watering outdoors.
- Install a rain garden to pick up stormwater runoff from your roof, driveway and other hard surfaces.
- Check your water bill to see how much water you are using, and ask your local government about a water audit of your home.
- Educate your neighbors about saving water through conservation and efficiency.
These water-saving measures can be game-changers for water demand in local communities.
You can save money and become involved in your local community, protect the water in your local waterways so that you can continue to enjoy their recreational benefits, and get better acquainted with your home and family with some do-it-yourself projects.