How Can You Tell If You Need a New Well Pump?
If your home depends on a well pump for its water source, this can make it difficult to know whether your well pump is starting to fail.
Often, you’ll notice that something is wrong with your well pump when you go to take a shower and you either have very low water pressure or no water at all. Well pumps, when properly maintained, typically last an average of 8 to 15 years. Just as your home’s HVAC system and fixtures will need to be replaced over time, so too will your well pump.
In this blog, our well driller professional in Santa Fe shares some signs you need a new well pump.
5 Signs That Your Water Well Pump Is Defective
There are only a few warning signs that it is time to replace your well pump, and it is going to be most evident when you try to shower and get ready for work in the morning. You may find things are very low on water pressure, or that you have no water whatsoever.
You Have No Water
If you have no water whatsoever when you turn on your faucet or flush the toilet, there’s a problem with your well pump. Before you jump straight to putting in a call for replacement, first take time to explore whether the reason that there is no water is due to one of the following problems:
Your well pump may not be receiving power. Turning off your well pump, inspecting and resetting your circuit breaker and then turning your pump back on.
Your pressure tank storing your well pump may simply have turned off. Reset and turn it back on.
We have a second plumbing problem. Whereas if there is an additional plumbing issue in your home, like a punctured pipe, it will cause flooding in your backyard.
You’ve ruled out all these factors and you know they’re not the underlying issue behind your well pump not delivering water — which means you need a repair or replacement. To book a service, call our well service department at 505-438-3416 – we service customers across Santa Fe, Espanola, Eldorado at Santa Fe, & Los Alamos.
Fluctuating Water Pressure
There’s nothing worse than having the faucet you need to turn on, for taking a shower to simply get the water pressure, however, the pressure is nowhere near to what it should be! Not only is this a major annoyance for your home’s water supply, but if you can’t take a shower, and doing dishes also becomes a chore. Diminished water pressure doesn’t always mean your well pump needs replacing, but it’s wise to consult a professional to be sure. Some of the reasons your water pressure is low could be a hole in your pressure tank or a buildup of bacteria in your pipes.
Spitting Faucets
When your faucet is turned on, if you get spurts of air or air bubbles, this is another indicator that your well pump may need to be repaired or replaced. If there’s a break in the pipe that leads from the well pump into your home, then the well pump may be sucking in air instead of water.
In others, your well could be running dry. No matter which problem is leading to the spitting faucets, West Coast Plumbing Pumps & Filtration contractors will evaluate your well pump and provide a long-term solution.
Boiling Hot Showers
It very much does, water is always warm or hot to your preference when you are showering, but hey, if someone flushes the toilet while you are in the shower, you should never scream due to water getting scalding hot. If this occurs, there might be a problem with the pressure tank in your well. A complete pressure tank failure will result in more hot water than normal flowing through your fittings, producing a sudden surge of scaldingly hot water.
Increase in Electric Bills
All these problems will lower your water supply efficiency, and that will make your electric bills fly up. Monitor your electric bills closely and if they are on the rise without any explanation, call us at 505-438-3416, and our experienced well service professionals of Santa Fe will inspect your well pump.
Choose the Well Driller with Over 85 Years of Experience
No matter the problem, members of Boylan Water Well Service and Supply can completely examine your well pump and establish how to continue. Our team of trained professionals are here to ensure your well pump is serviced with a simple repair, or replaced frequently during the life of your home.